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Why Paris is Overrated?

Ah, Paris – the world-renowned city of love, lights, and everything romantic. But is it really all it’s cracked up to be? As someone who has been living in Paris for the past 5 years and has a firsthand experience with all its quirks and charms, let me tell you why I think this dreamy destination might be a tad overrated.

Don’t get me wrong – there’s still plenty to love about the place! But all those glossy postcards and movies featuring romantic walks along the Seine don’t show the whole picture.

Before you scroll down and start barraging me with angry comments, let’s agree to disagree and have a casual chat, alright? Just picture yourself in a cozy café, sipping a hot cup of coffee, as we delve into discussing Paris from a different perspective. Are you in?

Sit back, relax, and let’s talk about what makes the “City of Love” a little less dreamy than its reputation might suggest. No berets or baguettes required – just an open mind and a sense of humor, my friends.

Now that we’ve set the tone for our tête-à-tête, let’s jump straight into exploring some reasons behind Paris being overrated.

1. Paris is an expensive city

You know a city is expensive when just the thought of eating out gives your wallet a mini heart attack.

Jokes aside, though, one can’t deny that Paris has a reputation for being an expensive city, and that’s no myth. Let’s dive into some of the aspects that may make you drop a few too many euros during your stay.

According to a 2019 report, Paris was the second most expensive city to live in next to Singapore, and it’s not much better for tourists either.


Let me tell you, dining at a restaurant in Paris can make your bank account weep! The average meal costs about 25-30 euros, meaning you’re probably looking at some pretty pricey breakfasts, lunches, and steak frite dinners.

It’s not just the food, though. Even a small bottle of Coke or Pepsi costs an average of $3.91 in restaurants, making it the seventh most expensive in the world out of 558 cities.


Besides the inevitable impact on your dining budget, tourist attractions and activities in Paris can also have you reaching deeper into your pockets. Don’t take it personally, though, it’s just the Parisian way of reminding you that quality experiences come at a (high) cost.

Even the most famous of landmarks, like the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre Museum, charge for admission. Yes, you read that right – neither the Mona Lisa nor the wrought-iron lattice tower come for free. And while it’s worth the experience, it doesn’t help your budget woes.

Plus, if you’re into guided tours, boat rides on the Seine, and other typically touristy activities, you’ll find yourself parting with more and more of your hard-earned money.

So yes, Paris may squeeze your wallet, but hey, you get to do the squeezing back at the delicious pain au chocolats at the boulangeries, right?

2. Overrated Tourist Experiences

Eiffel Tower

The famous Tour Eiffel. Sure, it’s an iconic symbol of Paris, but let’s be honest here, the immense hype surrounding this landmark can often lead to disappointment.

Everyone told you that you must go, but once you’re there, you realize it’s just a massive metal structure. Climbing up the Eiffel Tower is a workout on its own, and the lines? Don’t even get me started on the lines! I mean, you could spend your whole trip to Paris waiting to get to the top. And if you’re afraid of heights, suddenly the view doesn’t seem worth it anymore.

Rather than spending your time in queues, why not explore some lesser-known gems of Paris?

Related read: What is Paris famous for?


Picture this: you plan an entire day to visit the Louvre, hoping to admire the famous Mona Lisa up close. You fight your way through the museum, running around like a headless chicken, only to face an eternal crowd of tourists trying to take selfies with da Vinci’s masterpiece.

I’m not saying that the Louvre isn’t a fantastic museum – it is. But the reality is you’ll spend most of your time trying to navigate the museum’s gigantic layout, and you might end up more frustrated than cultured by the end of the day.

So, unless you’re an art aficionado, you might want to reconsider this must-see attraction in favor of a less-crowded museum option.

Notre Dame

Before the devastating fire in 2019, Notre Dame was the go-to cathedral in Paris, leaving people in awe with its gothic grandeur. Sadly, the fire resulted in limited access and ongoing construction. While on your casual stroll along the Seine river, definitely take a moment to appreciate the cathedral’s exterior.

But don’t expect to have the full, magical Notre Dame experience – at least not for now. After all, who wants to admire scaffolding and listen to construction noise on their vacation? Instead, give a chance to other stunning Parisian churches that deserve some spotlight too.

In conclusion, Paris is a city with countless experiences for every taste. However, some popular tourist attractions might not live up to their fame. Don’t be afraid to venture off the beaten path and discover your own unique Parisian memories.

3. Overcrowding and Crime

Paris is a city with endless charm but also a few not-so-romantic realities. Let’s dive into some issues like overcrowding and crime that might put a damper on your love affair with the City of Light.

Crowded Streets

You know how they say, “Paris is always a good idea.” Well, turns out, everyone seems to have the same idea. Walking the streets of Paris can feel like a daily game of human bumper cars. Especially during peak tourist seasons, the city’s famous sites, like the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre, are absolutely swarming with people.

Even taking a leisurely stroll by the Seine can feel like a challenge, as you try to navigate through throngs of fellow tourists, street vendors, and the occasional accordion player. Oh, and don’t even get me started on the selfie sticks!

Pickpockets and Scams

Alright, let’s be real for a second: Paris is notorious for its share of pickpockets and scammers.

Honestly, I wish they’d put half that energy into something more productive. Watch out for the infamous “gold ring trick,” where someone pretends to find a valuable ring on the ground, then offers to sell it to you at a “steal” – spoiler alert: it’s fake!

My advice? Keep your valuables close and your skepticism closer.

Public Transport Issues

Picture this: you’ve just had an amour-filled day exploring the city, and all you want is to hop on the metro and get back to your Airbnb. But wait – what’s that? The entire metro system has come to a screeching halt due to yet another strike? Très bizarre!

Strikes are pretty common in France, especially in public transportation. And when it’s not a strike, there’s a good chance it’s an overcrowded train or a bus that just zipped past you without stopping. So be prepared – have a backup plan, flex those walking muscles, or maybe consider becoming besties with a local who has a car (good luck with that one).

4. Paris Syndrome and Disappointment

Unmet Expectations

Ah, Paris – the city of love, romance, and… disappointment? You read that right, folks. Some tourists arrive in Paris with dreams of romantic strolls by the Seine and candlelit dinners atop the Eiffel Tower, only to be slapped in the face by the reality that Paris is, well, just another city. This sharp contrast between expectation and reality has even been given a name: Paris syndrome.

It’s not that Paris isn’t beautiful – it really is! But when you’re expecting a picture-perfect postcard scene everywhere you look and all you can see is traffic and people hustling about, it’s enough to make anyone feel let down.

Physical Symptoms

Now, it’s one thing to say, “Paris wasn’t what I imagined it to be,” and another to literally experience physical symptoms from your disappointment. Crazy, huh? Plagued by nausea, hallucinations, and even increased heart rate, the Paris syndrome is real, my friends.

You’d think we were talking about a common cold and not visiting a city, but hey, that’s the power of disillusionment. On the bright side (if there is one), you now know you’re not alone if you’ve ever felt underwhelmed after visiting a place you thought was the bees’ knees.

Glamour vs. Reality

Paris has been painted as a city of glamour, sophistication, and culture, often thanks to movies, TV shows, and social media feeds. Sure, parts of it definitely live up to the hype. But let’s be real – life’s not always a scene from “Midnight in Paris.”

The truth is, like any other city, Paris has its less-than-awesome aspects: noise, pollution, and pickpockets, to name a few. Queue the disappointment. But don’t despair! Remember, every city has its ups and downs, and Paris is no exception.

4. It’s Not As Romantic As You Think

Let’s be real: we all have this idealized image of Paris as the ultimate City of Love. We imagine moonlit walks under the glow of the Eiffel Tower, romantic dinners with accordion music playing in the background, and PDA-filled selfies in front of iconic landmarks.

But is Paris really as romantic as we’ve been led to believe? Let’s dive into this myth and see what we can uncover.

Contrasts and Realistic Expectations

Don’t get me wrong; parts of Paris can indeed evoke that romantic atmosphere we’re searching for. But those are just parts of the city. Amidst the picturesque narrow streets, stunning architecture, and mouth-watering pastries, you’ll also find dodgy neighborhoods, dog poop-ridden sidewalks, and less-than-stellar living conditions. Sure, it’s the same story in any big city, but it’s important to keep our expectations realistic. Paris may still have some romantic spots to offer, but they coexist within the same urban environment as these less dreamy aspects.

Overhyped Romantic Spots

Speaking of romantic spots, let’s talk about some of those famous locations that might not be living up to the hype. First up: the Eiffel Tower. The iconic centerpiece of the Parisian landscape is, of course, breathtaking from afar. But have you tried actually going there on a busy day? The long lines, selfie stick-wielding tourists, and overpriced food stands can quickly transform the experience from enchanting to downright unbearable. And let’s not even mention those pesky souvenir sellers who approach anyone displaying even a hint of interest.

Another one for the books: the “Love Lock Bridge,” or Pont des Arts. Now, I understand the appeal of attaching a padlock to a bridge as a symbol of everlasting love and all, but the sad reality is that the mass of locks got so heavy that part of the bridge railing collapsed in 2014. Romantic, right? The city had to remove the love locks, which, to be honest, had become more of an eyesore than a testament to love.

The truth is, the idea of a “City of Love” isn’t a one-size-fits-all concept. What makes a city romantic is subjective and depends on personal experiences and connections. The best moments often happen when you explore off the beaten path or stumble upon a hidden gem. So, go ahead and visit Paris for its charm and history, but don’t set your expectations solely on its romantic reputation. Just like any relationship, the expectations and reality may not always align, but that doesn’t mean you can’t fall in love with it in your own unique way.

Paris vs. Other Cities

When it comes to exploring the world’s metropolises, we’re often drawn to comparing Paris with its rivals: London, New York and Tokyo. Let’s dive into a casual chat about these cities and see what makes Paris, in some aspects, overrated compared to the others.


Ah, good old London, the city where you can’t predict the weather but can predict that you’ll have a great time. While Paris is full of romance and history, London’s versatility and energetic vibe give it a unique charm. With iconic attractions like the Tower of London, the British Museum, and Buckingham Palace, it’s a history lover’s dream. And let’s not forget the joys of British pub culture, an experience that Parisian cafés simply can’t compete with.

One thing I love about London is the incredible diversity, from its food scene with a mind-boggling variety of cuisines to its collection of markets like Camden and Portobello Road. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy a good baguette and a croissant, but it’s hard not to feel limited by Paris’ cuisine in comparison.

New York

New York, the city that never sleeps, and let me tell you, neither will you as a visitor. With countless things to see and do, including the Empire State Building, Broadway shows, and Times Square (although let’s be real, that’s overrated too), it’s a whirlwind of excitement for travelers.

While Paris offers a slower and somewhat quieter atmosphere, the energy and hustle of New York is simply unmatched. And let’s talk about food, from street vendors selling mouth-watering hot dogs, falafel, and the classic New York pizza, to high-end gourmet experiences, the Big Apple puts the humble Parisian cuisine to shame.


Last but certainly not least, the fascinating and futuristic city of Tokyo. After visiting the Eiffel Tower and Notre-Dame, it’s hard not to be mesmerized by Tokyo’s sprawling cityscape, including the iconic Tokyo Tower, Shibuya Crossing, and Akihabara District. Tokyo’s efficient public transportation system (I’m looking at you, Paris) and cleanliness (seriously, Paris needs to step up their game) deserve some envy.

One thing Tokyo has that Paris doesn’t come close to is the quirky and extraordinary experiences, like themed cafés, robot restaurants, and capsule hotels. While Paris might be the city of love, Tokyo is definitely the city that knows how to have fun.

PLANNING A TRIP TO PARIS?Grab a copy of my FREE Paris travel guide!

This 10-page Paris travel guide includes:

  • Practical tips for visiting Paris
  • The best foods to eat in Paris
  • The best restaurants in Paris (my top picks for breakfast, lunch, and dinner)
  • The top things to do and see in Paris (including day trips, scenic tours, museums, attractions, and more)
  • The best (and worst) places to stay in Paris, including my top picks for hotels in each area

All links in this PDF are clickable so you can book your tours and hotels directly!